Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Well I am finally back . Sorry it took so long been very busy but I also procrastinate a lot. I guess we will start with a few before and after pictures.

This is back in the fall. I tilled the spot several times. The plot had not been worked in over 5 years. great soil structure, added a lot of barnyard cleanings.

This is the results of all my efforts. we are picking Squash, Cucumbers and peppers every day. Tomato vines are loaded down and the Okra is starting to bloom. Best Garden I have had in a long time

This little herd of chicks are now

This herd. Some didn't make the picture. They are hiding in the shade!

We did the house in a week. Scraped, dapped and painted.

I will try and do a post every evening until we catch up. We have the bait and tackle store up and running. Signs up and a Duck pond ( Duck update tomorrow night.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Major Update

Been awhile sorry!
We have been really busy with building pens and fencing. The beets came up last week and my Brother Mike planted cabbage and Sweet Peas.

Looks like we are now in the Duck business. This is Fred and Ginger. You should see them dance. Shouldn't be long till we have little ducklings!

The Rabbits have been practicing math! These are the little bunnies at two weeks old. We have 7

We enlarged the rabbit house,added four new pens. We are going to get a bred Dutch and a Lop to add to our stock.

This is the new prince of goats. We bought him from a local here and named him Brave Heart. You can see the heart shape on his forehead. He is full blood Boer with the Paint coloring. We sold all the other billies we had except Jericho, he has been around from the beginning so some attachment on my part. Anyway he is old so Brave heart will be taking over the Throne soon.

We have also got the flock started. They aren't laying yet! LOL They are 60 Pullet run chicks some Red sex link, Black sex link and Rhode Island Reds. This should give us 60 laying Hens by August.

Busy! busy! busy! but sure enjoying this life.

"Faarm Livin is the life for me"

Saturday, February 14, 2009

We got it done! Planted 585 Yellow onions, 350 Red Onions and 255 Red potato cuttings. The Foreman showed up about noon with his crew and it took about an hour or so to knock it out.

Crew Foreman

I had to get my hands dirty

Tanner planting potatoes age 7

Mitzi inspecting the work

We also planted some beets for pickles. Our Grandmother always had beet pickles when we were kids and Mike knows how to make them.
So the root crops are in and another planting day on the 28Th of March will get most everything in except tomatoes and later producing crops.
Talk about perfect timing! It's starting to rain. A good shower will be great

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Moving right along

Well today was a landmark day for us. The Girls finally got to work! Sure it is just the first egg of our babies we raised from 2 weeks old.
look closely in the bottom 4th nest from the left.
Me with the first
So the Barn is up, the gardens are tilled and the big planting day is set for this Saturday. We are going to kill the roosters from the flock and have Chicken enchilada's cooked by my brother Mike. He loves to cook so I let him do most of the cooking anyway LOL.
We have also got our tanks set up for minnows to sell. We are going to sell bait and tackle also. Our farm is only about 6 miles from Arbuckle Lake. So we should have a little traffic for bait. we are also about 1/4 mile from the Washita River.
Lots of work but a lot of fun

Sunday, February 8, 2009

All in a day's work!

Good morning! It is cloudy here and we really got our fingers crossed for some good soaking rain.

Our garden spot for onions and potatoes is ready and waiting for moisture. Our other spot is in the tilling process with fresh manure all spead. Just need that good ole rain to come!

My brothers got the neigbors old barn down and replaced our old barn with the materials. That's our old barn behind the goats.

Thanks to our neigbors we were able to take one barn down in sections and set it back up in sections. It was quite a chore but we got it done. and now have a new barn. Pretty cool huh!

95% of the new barn is recycled. we only had to use a few new nails and wood screws. We are also going to make the nests out of 5 gal. buckets with the tops cut to hold hay. They are recycled from a bakery.
Well it did take more than a day

Monday, January 26, 2009

Newbies to the Farm

We bought 6 new goats this weekend. 4 of them are full blood Boer and 2 Boer/kiko cross. Our little herding dogs were in shock. The dogs are all small terrier types lol
I also joined a message board that deals with chicken raising. It looks like it might be fun. See the link at the bottom.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Getting ready for Spring

We have been busy this last week. My brothers went across the street and tore down an old barn for the scraping. We got lots of wood, tin and metal from the effort. Mike has been getting his garden area ready.

Doing Some Fencing ( brother Mike)

We tore down an old barn on our place and using the walls from our neighbors are building a new Chicken pen for about 60 to 75 hens. Hope to have fresh Farm Eggs for sale by late summer.

We have also had two more Kids both nannies. Our roosters have started crowing so the hens should be laying soon, the rabbits are bred for Easter and some more eggs hatch Tuesday.

Me and my Brother Matt with 3 hour old kids (above)

Marty with her new little ones (below)
Nothing but fun "Down on the Farm"

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Most weekends are filled with Grandkids. We usually have one to a whole bunch. There are a lot of Grandkids between me and my brothers.

One good thing , they all are good about helping out. They take care of all the petting when they are here.

This was the first weekend they saw the new goat. and of course Malaki had to hold "his" baby chick.

The girl is his cousin Reagan. All of the one's with Peaches are cousins. Oh yes we named the new baby peaches. We get outdated produce from the local store and the first solid food she ate was a peach. cool huh!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Little one arrives

Well we have a new addition to the flock. Born this Tuesday while my brothers were in town and I was at work (go figure) a new little nanny came along.
So now the little girl needs a name! The momma's name is Dai (prononced day) so if you have a suggestion let us know.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Our Introduction

When I moved out to this small town I never dreamed of becoming a farmer. My grandkids wanted a goat. So a goat we got. One old goat lead to another and another so now we are a Goat farm.

Soon a pig came along and stayed two years. Finally found a home for " Bacon" to become a mother. Hope she enjoys her new home.

My brothers came to live with me and now we are a Chicken, Rabbit, Goat Farm.

We hope in the near future to have all kinds of livestock for sale along with some goood home grown veggies.

So we hope you will join us and watch us grow.


About Me

Dougherty, Oklahoma, United States