Saturday, February 14, 2009

We got it done! Planted 585 Yellow onions, 350 Red Onions and 255 Red potato cuttings. The Foreman showed up about noon with his crew and it took about an hour or so to knock it out.

Crew Foreman

I had to get my hands dirty

Tanner planting potatoes age 7

Mitzi inspecting the work

We also planted some beets for pickles. Our Grandmother always had beet pickles when we were kids and Mike knows how to make them.
So the root crops are in and another planting day on the 28Th of March will get most everything in except tomatoes and later producing crops.
Talk about perfect timing! It's starting to rain. A good shower will be great

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Moving right along

Well today was a landmark day for us. The Girls finally got to work! Sure it is just the first egg of our babies we raised from 2 weeks old.
look closely in the bottom 4th nest from the left.
Me with the first
So the Barn is up, the gardens are tilled and the big planting day is set for this Saturday. We are going to kill the roosters from the flock and have Chicken enchilada's cooked by my brother Mike. He loves to cook so I let him do most of the cooking anyway LOL.
We have also got our tanks set up for minnows to sell. We are going to sell bait and tackle also. Our farm is only about 6 miles from Arbuckle Lake. So we should have a little traffic for bait. we are also about 1/4 mile from the Washita River.
Lots of work but a lot of fun

Sunday, February 8, 2009

All in a day's work!

Good morning! It is cloudy here and we really got our fingers crossed for some good soaking rain.

Our garden spot for onions and potatoes is ready and waiting for moisture. Our other spot is in the tilling process with fresh manure all spead. Just need that good ole rain to come!

My brothers got the neigbors old barn down and replaced our old barn with the materials. That's our old barn behind the goats.

Thanks to our neigbors we were able to take one barn down in sections and set it back up in sections. It was quite a chore but we got it done. and now have a new barn. Pretty cool huh!

95% of the new barn is recycled. we only had to use a few new nails and wood screws. We are also going to make the nests out of 5 gal. buckets with the tops cut to hold hay. They are recycled from a bakery.
Well it did take more than a day


About Me

Dougherty, Oklahoma, United States